Senin, 23 November 2009

Ulead Video Studio Plus 11

Ulead Video Studio Plus 11

Pilihan yang tepat bagi user yang bermaksud mengolah video menggunakan PC. Selain kesederhanaan antarmuka dan kemudahan memahami perintah yang harus dijalankan, Ulead Video Studio memiliki dukungan yang luas pada beberpa format video, seperti : format Avi, DV, MPGE atau DVD.

The powerful new

features in VideoStudio 11 PlusEnd-to-end AVCHD – (AVCHD on standard DVD) Author HD content (from AVCHD or HDV camcorder, or any other HD source) and burn to a standard DVD, using a standard burner. AVCHD discs with menus play back pristine HD video on your PC, Blu-ray Player or Sony PS3, or from disc based AVCHD camcorders.
Supports standard screen sizes from SD to HD, 1280×720 to 1920×1080 as
well as PAL and NTSC systems Audio formats include LPCM and Dolby 2.0 or 5.1.

okey untuk yang mau download...........
klik aja logo download dibawah ini...

>>>>> download master softwarenya

>>>>> download keygen-nya
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Rabu, 11 November 2009

Lebah Penghasil Dolar Recehan......

yups namanya cara kerjanya adalah dengan memperpendek link download anda...... enakkan jadi simple.... TAPI yang pasti bukan cuma di pendekin aja, link download atau link address tadi akan diarahkan dahulu ke situs atau sponsornya.... lho kok????? jangan kawatir halaman situs atau sponsor tadi bisa langsung ditutupkok untuk segera di arahkan ke situs tujuan yang sebenarnya. caranya?.......
caranya adalah menekan tombol skip di pojok kanan atas halaman situs
------->>> ni tombol skip yang gua maksud.

kita dapat menyingkat link kita menggunakan fasilitas shrink ----------->>>
dengan memasukkan link kita ke addres bar-nya shrink terus tekan deh tombol shrink-nya.... ntar akan keluar link baru yang lebih pendek
contoh hasil shrink-nya kayak gini tinggal copy hasil shrink ini dan tempelin deh di web, blok atau FB mu. na setiap link ini di klik orang km akan dapat earned. memang gak terlalu besar nilai per-kliknya paling tapi kalau terus menerus kan lumayan recehannya... wakakakakk..........
Apalagi kalau file aslinya di Upload di Ziddu terus link downloadnya di shrink pake dan di download orang... wah dr ziddu dapet terus dari juga dapet..... muantep to belum kalau program fee $ 5 untuk new member masih berlaku, belum apa-apa udah dapet $ 5 rumayan kan

JANGAN KAWATIR site ini bukan SCAM. jadi pembayarannya akan bener-bener dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan berlaku...... okey cepet kunjungi si lebah imut pelajari dan daftar sekarang juga kalau kamu tertarik...... "semoga berhasil"

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Selasa, 10 November 2009

"Tips Download Cepat dari 4 Shared"

Aku ada tips buat temen2 yang pengen download cepet dari 4 Shared. aku cari-cari info ini karena sering download dari 4 shared lama banget speed downloadnya rendah dan kadang2 malang koneksi downloadnya putus. capek dech........... dah lama2 nungguin ehhh.. ternyata downloadnya gagal.
setelah cari2 cara akhirnya ada sedikit pencerahan..wakakaka
kak... to the point aja ya.. caranya adalah:
1. cari alatnya di google yaitu PHProxy ----->> contohnya
dan alat kedua Internet Download Manager (idm nya download langsung install di koputermu).
2. klo sudah sekarang buka 4 Shared dan cari file yang mau di download.... ikuti langkah-langkah download 4 shared sampai perhitungan mundur selesai....
kalau sudah keluar tulisan "click here to download this file" atau "Klik disini untuk mengunduh file ini" klik kanan tulisan tersebut dan pilih option copy link address.
3. buka PHProxy dan paste kan copy-an link address 4 shared kamu tadi. SELESAI tinggal tunggu proses download oleh IDM aja... moga berhasil yaa..... klo gagal ya maaf...

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Senin, 09 November 2009

coba baca article ini. aku upload article ini supaya kita belajar.

Most People Are Depressed For a Very Good Reason

Nop,09, 2009

My Great Grandmother was born in 1904 and immigrated to America with her family shortly thereafter. When she turned 12, her Mother forced her to drop out of school and work twelve hours a day in a tire factory so the family could pay the bills. When she was 17, her family pressured her to marry a man she didn’t love in order to gain financial security. Shortly after she said ‘I do,’ my Grandmother came to her senses and demanded a divorce.

Back then, divorce wasn’t as common as it is now and her demand caused a lot of controversy in her community. No one could understand why a woman wouldn’t want to be with the nice man who wanted to provide for her and many dubbed her a strumpet. But my Grandmother stood her ground and dissolved her marriage. However, upon returning home, her family had decided in her absence that she must be crazy. Literally. They had her forcibly committed to a mental institution.

Mental institutions were not the nice, clean, white places of healing they are today. Instead, they were filled to the brim with incompetent doctors who made snap diagnoses and ordered experimental shock treatments. Patients often spent hours strapped down in beds and force fed drugs that made them feel even worse. Some of them were raped, beaten, or otherwise abused. After all, they were crazy. Who would believe them?

My Grandmother told me all of this for the first time shortly after my 19th birthday. I had recently found out something pretty shocking about my past (Another story for another day, don’t worry) and I went to her for confirmation because there wasn’t anyone else I could trust to tell me the truth. She did confirm what I had learned and apologized for her part in it. Destroyed by the news, I confessed to her that I was thinking about going into therapy. My desire for a Doctor to ‘fix me’ is what inspired her story.

When she was finished, she said to me, “All the time I spent in that hellhole, people were constantly trying to convince me that I felt sad because there was something wrong with my brain. But do you want to know what I really learned?”

I leaned in closer, absolutely absorbed by the image of my tough Grandmother who raised her children, nurtured her (Second!) marriage, and was one of the first successful business women of her era spending time in a mental institution. “What Grandma?” I breathlessly inquired.

“I learned that I wasn’t sad because there was something wrong with my brain. I learned that I was sad because my life sucked.”

Initially, I laughed because it was funny to hear my old Grandma use the word ‘sucked’ in a sentence. But after that, I worriedly asked, “Are you saying I shouldn’t seek therapy?”

“No,” she replied, “I’m not saying that at all. What I am saying is that you should be wary of the Doctor who tells you a pill is a fix for your broken mind. The way I see it, you have a lot of reasons to be sad right now. So if that’s what you’re feeling, that seems about right to me.”

Now that we live in a culture where mental illness is so incredibly popular that you’re almost considered abnormal if you don’t have one, her words ring even truer. A lot of people nowadays seem to think that any sign of anxiousness or sadness signifies a broken brain, and immediately upon discovery will run with their asses on fire for their prescription of Happy Pills.

“My brain doesn’t produce enough serotonin!” they chirp. “This is why I’m always sad!”

It’s always the serotonin. It’s never the lousy job or the loveless marriage or the helplessness one feels when they finally realize they’ve been pressured into living a life they would have never chosen for themselves. No, it’s never that. It’s always a broken brain.

Now please don’t misunderstand me here. I am not trying to lambaste psychiatric treatment nor am I denying the existence of real, valid, medically proven mental disabilities. I realize there are people out there who downright suffer from hallucinations, irrational fears and compulsions, and crippling life debilitating illnesses that wreak havoc on their lives if left untreated. I do not fault these people for taking the drugs they need to feel better. In fact, I applaud them.

It’s the people who try to eradicate every hint of sadness and anger out of human existence I fault. Negative emotions are a vital part of the human condition and it isn’t until we experience them that we truly appreciate the positive opposites. In other words, one needs sadness in their lives to be able to fully recognize happiness when they come across it. Without anger, we can never appreciate the calm; our hatred and indifference emphasis our love. To deprive oneself of any emotion characteristic to our nature is to deny the very things that make us human. Our minds work the way they do for a reason. They are not broken.

Modern day Americans are often trapped in lousy, disappointing, soul crushing careers. If they are not divorced already, their marriages are on the rocks. They live far outside of their means, rack up thousands of dollars of debt, and then they work overtime to pay for the toys they never have time to play with. They dedicate their lives to pleasing ungrateful children who won’t amount to much more than they did. Hours of their downtime is spent in front of the television, switching from reality show to reality show, because it is easier to watch other people live life than it is to live their own. In a rare moment of creativity, they might write a secret out on a postcard and send it to a website because they don’t have a single person in real life that they trust enough to share their fears with. They feel all of this on top of the usual human maladies of sickness, death and grief.

To be perfectly honest, I would think it was weirder if most people didn’t entertain thoughts of suicide.

The majority of people aren’t sad because there is something wrong with their brain. They are sad because their lives suck. But rather than admit that to themselves, they run to the Doctor and beg for a diagnosis that alleviates their personal responsibility in this regard. After all, if a man in a white coat tells you’re broken, you never have to worry about fixing yourself. The sad reality is that they’ll spend the rest of their lives switching medications and wondering why nothing they take works and cures their disease. Never once do they consider that the disease is their life and true healing will come once attempts are made to repair it.

If you are sad right now, I want you to consider that perhaps there is nothing wrong with you. Perhaps you are seeing things the way they ought to be seen. Maybe there is just something wrong with the world right now? Instead of popping some pills in the hopes that they will put us on a perpetual even keel, maybe instead we should figure out what is wrong with our society…and fix it.

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Jumat, 06 November 2009

Sex Is Zero 2 (2007) 18+

sex Is Zero 2
genre : Comedy, Romantic, Hot and Gileee bener........
klo mau download harus tunjukin dulu KTP nya. 18 thn keatas pa belum...
Tetap seperti film pertamanya..... disini adegan2 konyol masih mendominasi.......... "slow but sure"
okey download film sex is zero-nya disini
download subtitlenya indonesianya disini

cara nge-play nya:
1. downloadan bernama encryp-an jadi acak dengan file winrar.
2. extract dulu, caranya klik 2 kali filenya. terus pilih extract atau cara kedua klik kanan filenya terus pilih extract here.
3. untuk subtitlenya juga.
4. cara play-nya : blok kedua file (file film typenya .avi and file subtitle typenya .srt) tarik keduanya ke media player..... terserah pake apa media playernya. saranku seh pake GOM aja. klo belum punya download GOM disini

jangan lupa download-nya biar cepet pake IDM yaa.. download IDM-nya disini

download film terbaru lainnya

kasih comment yaa.... ni sebenarx request dari "siapa aku" .

me at facebook erik-abadi
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Kamis, 05 November 2009

Free Download Software 2009

Aku punya beberapa software bagus nih..... buat dibagiagikan. yang mau silahkan aja download ke link yang udah disediakan......... langsung aja yaa..

1. Generator SN untuk Nero 8
Generator SN ini dibuat khusus untuk menghasilkan SN Nero 8. aku sich belum coba buat SN untuk nero 9..... bisa g yaa..... klo dah ada yang pernah coba comment yaa... kita share pengetahuan.
okey to the point aja yang mau download sn Generator klik disini

2. System Care
Okey untuk Software kedua. aku mau kasih Free System Care.....
Software ini khusus buat manage system and files komputer kamu.... ada banyak menu didalamnya.. contoh : defrag, Uninstall tools, scan malware and junk files... dan banyak lagi........ system care yang tak kasih ini memang yang versi FREE aja. jadi km gak erlu registrasi, updatenya juga gampang --> Install aja ke komputer km langsung koneksikan ke internet otomatis akan di update secara online....

okey... untuk yang berminat download system care nya disini

3. Shutdown tools
Aku pu
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ada banyak free software lagi yang mau aku kasih ke kalian.. tapi ntar yaa.... sabar.

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Rabu, 04 November 2009


aturan mainnya...:
Konsentrasilah pada titik hitam di tengah-tengah warna dalam kotak diatas. apabila konsentrasimu berhasil maka......... semua warna-warna dalam kotak akan hilang da hanya tersisa titik hitang...... selamat mencoba.

asyik kan mau lagi nihhh.... gua kasih..
kalo mau, klik tulisan di bawah ini......

Kalo yang ini lebih Mantapppp lagi..
cara mainnya..: Konsentrasilah pada tanda plus (+) ditengah lingkaran...... sudah..?
Kalo sudah apa yang terjadi.... yup!! bener.....
" semua titik-titik berwarna pink akan mulai hilang dan yang tersisa hanya sebuah titik hijau yang berputar........."

kalo yang kamu liat kayak gitu maka km udah berhasil melatih kepekaan "matamu"......

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Selasa, 03 November 2009


Angel Of Death (2009)

Genre: Action , Crime , Thriller
download film angel of death disini

download subtitlenya disini

download filem lain disini:
Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince
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Road Trip Beer Pong (DvdRip 2009)
subtitlenya disini

Blood The Last Vampire (HDTv.XVid 2009)
subtitlenya disini

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Download Film Terbaru 2009

Land Of The Lost

Genre: Adventure , Comedy , Sci-Fi
Release Date: 5 June 2009 (USA)

Tempat yang bagus tetapi diisi oleh........
liat aja filemnya. download filemnya disini

download Subtitlenya disini

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Pengaman Folder (Folder Lock)

Untuk kalian yang kepengen memasang pengaman folder di komputer kalian. aku ada software untuk lock folder. jadi folder kalian akan aman, karena meng-aksesnya harus menggunakan password......selain itu folder yang di lock g akan ke deteksi sama mesin search dari Operating System.... amankan.... yang mau silakahkan donload aja softwarenya di sini

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